Just one more page

Books are my drug. I was walking home past the library last night, and I couldn’t resist. I’ve been jonesing for something to read before bed lately, and I had to get my fix.

I checked out several books:

  • The Cliff Walk : A Job Lost and a Life Found – Don J. Snyder
  • Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (one vol) – Lewis Caroll
  • In Praise of Folly – Desiderius Erasmus

I started with The Cliff Walk last night at nine-ish, when I was already rather tired, planning on getting up early, and only going to read a few pages. Just one little hit, I promise. Around 12:30 I decided it was time to sleep, as I really did need to get up at 5 or 6 at the latest. I’m almost done with Cliff Walk.

I’m not quitting though.