Monthly Archives: August 2006


Not to be dramatic, but it has been 365 days since all of this (and so much more) happened:

The whole set of photos is here.

Many positive things have actually come of the Katrinacane, but one stands out and affects every aspect of my life: I have learned in the most visceral way that everything really is impermanent. Attachment to the apparent permanence of things brings suffering. Katrina helped everyone become a little less attached to their things, their way of life.

Science Attacked From All Sides

You may have heard me complain about the Intelligent Design movement, what a load of bunk it is, and how much damage its proponents are doing to scientific understanding and progress. However vast and harmful that may be, in degree it doesn’t hold a candle to firebombing people’s houses, bomb threats, and the other nastiness perpetrated by the hypocritical animal rights groups.

Look, I’m vegetarian. I’m a Buddhist. I don’t think we should be eating animals en masse for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is health. I don’t have a problem with animal research, though. There are strict guidelines in place to ensure that it is done in a “humane” way. And even if that weren’t the case, is threatening someone, and firebombing their house a better way to act? What if that molotov cocktail had exploded, the house had burned down, and someone had died?

The ethical hypocrisy from these groups is monstrous.

Please, no matter how much you love animals, and want to see them treated well, do not let words like these (from the article) come out of your mouth, ever:

… force is a poor second choice, but if that’s the only thing that will work … there’s certainly moral justification for that.

ADDENDUM: You really should read the comments over there. Some of the comments from the animal rights nuts leave me agape. They also reveal a bit of a misunderstanding: they seem to think scientists like vivisection, like the pure glee of it drives them to do it. They seem to think if research is not on AIDS or cancer, then it’s “esoteric” and frivolous, and that no benefit can come from it.

Clearly there’s a major gap between public perception and reality when it comes to scientific research. What can we do to eliminate that gap?

ADDENDUM 2: I think we need to call the science nazi, as I mentioned with regard to ID a little while ago.