I scaled up the rabbit heart a bit and flattened the base. It prints much more nicely now.
Monthly Archives: April 2011
UCSD Rabbit Heart – Printed on a RepRap
This is a model I have seen on my computer screen over and over since 2002. Now I can print it and hold it in my hand! Look for me at HRS next week if you want one.
Here’s a video of it printing:
My first real 3D print
I printed this shot glass, and then drank some whiskey from it to celebrate! To success!
3D printer is almost done
Getting close!
Curing the heater core
The main mechanical components of my 3D printer are done, so now I’m on to the electrical stuff. Here I’m curing the ceramic on my heater core. This part heats up the plastic filament to melt it. I’m getting closer!