Monthly Archives: January 2005

Mechanics blows

I really, really hate mechanics. I don’t want to do anything related to it, and yet I have to take soft tissue mechanics. Contrast my reaction to Operating Systems, wherein I did the homework over one week early with enormous enthusiasm.

I wouldn’t be doing this shit, but I have to for a number of curricular reasons.

Oh, and Einstein and his indicial notation can go to hell.



I’m feeling kind of slow on the pick-up this morning. I think it’s because I woke up before my alarm went off to use the restroom, saw that I had 20 minutes left, and went back to sleep anyway. When I was awoken 20 minutes later, I assume this messed with what was the beginning of another cycle of sleep.

Oh well.

This morning I’m staying at home to try to get our cable modem issues resolved. Our service is very unreliable, and pretty much useless when it rains. I don’t really expect anything to come of this, though. If the lines are shitty, what will they do? Probably nothing.

Feh, maybe I’ll end up getting DSL for the apartment. I need good intarwebbing so that I can work at home.

Talking too much

1. Reply to this post if you’d like some ego boosting.
2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you, only you, and why I think whatever I do about you.
3. Post these instructions in your journal and pass it on.

I don’t know what to say the monkeys won’t do

I had a lovely dinner at the Basil Leaf last night, and ordered one of their specials for the evening — some kind of shirimp and scallop dish with coconut, served in a hollowed out coconut. It was rather hot, though delicious, and I had to really take it slow eating it for a while. When the waitress came to take our plates I commented on both the taste and the temperature, at which point she informed me that I should probably have dumped the coconut and its contents into the dish they were sitting in.


Apparently this had been pointed out to me earlier in the evening, but I missed it. Guess why I got a hearing check yesterday!

So much to do before 9:30 AM. Chat atcha later.

Switch to Linux!

Here’s a handy little tutorial on how to convert your Windows machine to a Linux machine. You’ll probably only find it interesting if you have ever used a UNIX system.

I’m not responsible for what happens if you actually follow these instructions. Thanks to my favorite Microsoftie Robert Scoble for the link.