Monthly Archives: January 2005

Mother Focker

Sorry about the title. Saw Meet the Fockers tonight. Despite having a lot of Ben Stiller in it, who while amusing is getting a little overdone (Maddox thinks Ben Stiller should star in every movie!), it was still pretty funny. Dustin Hoffman helps.

Biked 32 miles today. The computer said my average speed was 17 MPH. Lots of stopping for crossroads, which is annoying. I wanted to do 40 but it was getting pretty dark so I headed home.

Because of this I am now very tired, and will commence going to sleep.


Everybody’s Doing It

Hear that? It’s one of the most exciting sounds in the world. Bongo!
don’t worry, it’s a legally free mp3

I didn’t get as much done today as I had intended. I was pretty tired last night, and was quite ready to go to sleep early, but I couldn’t fall asleep. I had taken claritin a bit earlier, which sometimes has that effect on me. Instead, I whiled away the time until I could sleep by reading a book about lobsters that Amanda gave me for Christmas. I’m not quite done yet, but it’s coming along, and quickly. It’s very interesting. Lobsters are weird. When they are between larval and ‘baby’ lobster stages, they are called superlobsters, because it’s the only time in their life that they are good swimmers, and they shoot through the water with their claws outstreched in front of them. You know, like superman.

I had what might be referred to as a long nap in the middle of the day, having given up on what I ought to be doing, which is to say research. I was pretty much nodding off with my head on my hand, so it was a lost cause.

I have nine days remaining (eight really) to get my proverbial ducks in a row for this paper I’m working on. The data are all there, but they need to be assembled properly, meaning in some coherent fashion. I’m also eventually going to start putting some time into my cardiac electrophysiology blog. I need to come up with a more detailed plan about what to do with it. I have what I think is a decent overall plan, but all will be revealed in time. I’m thinking the first real article (there’s some quick review there) will be on coronary ischemia, in general. Maybe just phase 1A. Ischemia’s a pretty broad topic. I’m going to do a lot of work on all of that stuff tomorrow (fingers crossed). I’m also going to work on this pile of stuff (and others!). I have to go back to my meager existence as a poor college student soon and I intend to be on the top of my organizational game when then semester hits me. stuff

Oh yeah, I have a poster to do for late February. Hot damn!



fair warning, people

I’m doing some cleaning of the room (pics later) and sorting of things, and I stumbled across a little tune my German professor Karlheinz (how’s that for a name) taught us. Luckily, or not (ha), I remembered the tune, regardless of how well you think I reproduced it. After listening I realized that my pronunciation of a few things is a bit off, like there’s not enough e sound on the i in nicht. Whatever, I only took one recording, so be it. And now, the lyrics:

Trink nicht so viel Kaffee
Nicht fuer Kinder ist der Tuerkentrank
Schwaecht die Nerven, macht dich blass und krank
Sei doch kein Muselmann
Der ihn nicht lassen kann


Don’t drink so much coffee
The Turkish drink is not for kids
It weakens the nerves, makes you pale and sick
Don’t be a Muslim
Who’s addicted to it

Try not to take any of that too heavily. I think he said it was Beethoven Bach. Regardless, whoever wrote it was apparently notorious for his coffee addiction and love, so it’s a bit tongue-in-cheek. EDIT: Note, Kaffee is misspelled CAFFEE on the first line because these are the notes in the tune. The letters are sung on their respective notes. DOUBLE EDIT: This one’s for Diana, who says I post too much about computers and athletics. Bah. Oh, and Diana, if you look for the pic of me on the right with the red shirt, there’s me with blond hair. If it’s been pushed off, check the links on the upper right for my Flickr photostream.