Monthly Archives: February 2005

Stone Age

This intelligent design stuff is still going on. Are we living in the 12th century? What the hell?

To quote from memory, more likely paraphrase, a proponent of intelligent design from the article, “If humans come from monkeys, then why are monkeys still around?”

This statement (and the ovation it apparently received) shows the very ignorance that makes it essential that these people have no say in science education. They’re clueless. I’m not going to bother explaining to all of you just why that statement is ludicrous, but if you really do doubt me then drop me an email or a comment and I’ll do my best. For further reading on the subject, see “The Blind Watchmaker” by Richard Dawkins.

Deal Breaker

The iMac mini is cute, sure.
Small, certainly.
And it’s cheap.


Deal breaker. What the hell were they thinking? It screams media media media and yet, no S-VID. Plus, with no expansion slots, there’s no way to add a card with the proper port. WTF?

What do you think the likelihood the next model has one might be, hmm?

How to Cut…

How to Cut…

If you have an interest in cutting vegetables properly, this is the place to go… I know this sounds lame but I am incredibly happy to have come upon this site. I’m always looking to improve my onion cutting skills. Those things can be frustrating and often the slices don’t come out how I want them. No, I am not kidding.

This and that

A media post, huzzah!

First, video of a crawling Anole lizard.
Also, here’s New Doris, soon to be No Doris, because they’re tearing it down. I lived there sophomore year with Dan P. (a.k.a. Little Dan):

A last look

Additionally, the stir-fry portion of my dinner:
Bell peppers and more... bell peppers

Note: Indian lentil soup not shown here.