Monthly Archives: March 2005

Superglue is Good

If you weren’t already aware, superglue is excellent for fixing all manners of cracked skin. It was, after all, designed for sealing incisions on the scalp in place of stitches. Why do you think it ‘bonds skin in seconds’?


Lately, while planning for the near future, I have been assuming that the future me will be:

  • Lazy
  • Stupid
  • Forgetful

and adjusting said planning accordingly. It works out pretty well. This is also a useful tactic for dealing with other people when I want something from them. I assume that they will be those three things, do everything I can so that the absolute minimum is required of them, make it easy, and give them simple (not too frequent) reminders.

It really can work wonders.


Parents, beware! Your kids may look okay when they leave the house in the morning, but once they’re out of your sight, they’re popping their collars and twisting the bills of their hats to the side at angles not evenly divisible by 90 degrees!

I wasn’t going to post this, but my family found it pretty funny, so what the heck

What signal?

As I was driving down the street yesterday, a car came onto the road from a cross street. I had a green light at that intersection at the time, and the thought occurred to me that he had turned left onto my street on a red light.

With no turn signal.

Every day in this city, millions of turns occur without signals. A thought occurred to me yesterday. Turn signals are so important to safety and traffic flow, that in driver education they teach an emergency protocol for dealing with a broken signal. Most people are at least generally familiar with these hand signals, which are the same used on bikes, snowmobiles, and other vehicles somtimes lacking signals.

And yet, nobody uses them in New Orleans. I’ve long since given up trusting people’s turn signals here, so I don’t know why it still bugs me. Maybe it’s just so ingrained from learning to drive in Michigan.