TCP.INT has apparently been available for a long time, but I never knew it. It allows you to send a fax by using a special email address, to most of the world for free.
Monthly Archives: May 2005
Exercise beats McD’s
Found via Fast Food News, a story about a biology teacher who ate only McDonald’s, but also exercised, to demonstrate that Super-Size Me was not an objective nutritional investigation, merely a documentary of intentional self-destruction. His conclusion / results? He lost 17 pounds.
Greasemonkey – Go get it
Robert Scoble made a post today about the new annoying Google adSense stuff for RSS feeds. I’ve been unsubscribing from sites as they add them, but it’s no longer necessary. As mentioned in his post/comments, there are ways of removing these things.
I had heard about Greasemonkey for Firefox a while ago, and was very interested in it, but never got a chance to try it myself. Basically, it’s a mechanism for easily, automatically applying modifications to websites, doing things such as making all pages use a black-on-white color scheme, removing ads, adding useful links, and more. It is _phenomenal_, and yet another reason to use Firefox.
If you don’t go install it right now, it is most certainly your loss. I am once again subscribed to Slashdot RSS, now in new, **Ad-Free** flavor.
I’ve cheated death again
Lots of images lately, I know. Check this out:

I passed soft tissue mechanics, which to me seems only slightly short of amazing. I guess the curve must have helped me out.
Dashboard flight tracker
Tracking my dad’s flight back to Detroit right now with flight tracker, as I want to call him when he gets there