Monthly Archives: August 2005

Guilt-free SUV? Not as far as I’m concerned.

So, according to Tyler Cowen on Marginal Revolution, a company will now offset your CO2 production for a yearly fee.

Not only do I find this foolish (why expend energy to repair damage you could have just avoided?), but more importantly, it doesn’t circumvent the hurtling safety hazards that are SUVs. As I’ve said before, their presence on the road is dangerous to ALL drivers, including those inside SUVs. The remedy? Shoot everyone who drives one? Outlaw SUVs? Those are suggestions I get sarcastically when I bring the subject up. No. How about not giving people a tax break for driving an SUV.

If gas prices stay where they are for a while, maybe that will help as well.

Shocking by V/cm

It used to be that we could only really run shocks of a given voltage by testing how much current was needed to produce said voltage. Thanks to Rob, we now have the ability to specify true V/cm shocks in our simulations. That’s what I’m going to spend the rest of the morning doing.

I’ve run the pacing for the ascending ramp project, and now what remains is to do the shocks.