Monthly Archives: December 2005

My time back in New Orleans

I’m currently at Z’otz uptown in New Orleans, drinking my daily quota of green tea and blogging, doing some work, sorting and sending email, etc.

To everyone who’s worried that New Orleans is a ghost town, that it won’t recover, that people aren’t coming back, I say don’t worry too much for now.  The place is hopping. It’s far different from the way I last saw it two months ago.

There are people everywhere, and by 11 AM traffic is awful in places, and at least dense in others.  Many traffic lights are still broken uptown, but I’d estimate that an equal number are fine. The city appears to be moving to new traffic lights bolted to metal poles rather than lights on wires.  This will probably be helpful should we encounter another hurricane.

Everywhere stores and restaurants are opening daily. Hours are limited, and the Trolley Stop is still closed, but Lebanon’s is open, so I’m all set.

The city will probably be smaller. There will be less industry. Lakeview is apparently going to be a ghost town for some time. However, don’t worry. The French Quarter is still here. Uptown is still here. The atmosphere is the same if not better (as we’re low on tourists at the moment).

I’m leaving tomorrow to return to St.Louis, but I’m looking forward to coming back at the end of the month, and I hope to see you here.

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More on Science and Belief

  • Good And Bad Reasons For Believing : Richard Dawkins   – Dawkins provides some elegant words about why people believe the things that they do. Here’s an excerpt:

    Dear Juliet,

    Now that you are ten, I want to write to you about something that is importantto me. Have you ever wondered how we know the things that we know? How dowe know, for instance, that the stars, which look like tiny pinpricks inthe sky, are really huge balls of fire like the sun and are very far away?And how do we know that Earth is a smaller ball whirling round one of thosestars, the sun?

    The answer to these questions is “evidence.” Sometimes evidence means actuallyseeing ( or hearing, feeling, smelling….. ) that something is true. Astronautshave travelled far enough from earth to see with their own eyes that it isround. Sometimes our eyes need help. The “evening star” looks like a brighttwinkle in the sky, but with a telescope, you can see that it is a beautifulball – the planet we call Venus. Something that you learn by direct seeing( or hearing or feeling….. ) is called an observation.

  • BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Science faces ‘dangerous times’ – Highlights from one of my links yesterday from the head of the Royal Society on why some people believe things that are unsubstantiated, and how this can be a problem.