Monthly Archives: October 2006

Cardiac Electrophysiology Basics – Request for Comments

I’ve written up a basic introduction, with pictures, to my field of research. I would really appreciate it if any of you could read it over, tell me if you find it understandable, what’s unclear, etc. I need people who aren’t very familiar with this stuff.

It’s lacking some later stuff that’s more relevant to my research (at this point) but I want to get the foundations right before I move on.

Please please please help me with this.

The page is here. Also, sorry if you got this cross-posted on my LiveJournal.

Leading Causes of Death in the US

People talking about cardiovascular disease research often mention that it’s the leading cause of death in the states. I went to look it up today and found the Center for Disease Control’s Leading Causes of Death Reports. You can break things down a number of ways. Cardiovascular disease is number one across all age groups, but up to age 34, #1 is unintentional injury. 35-64 it’s “Malignant Neoplasms” which I assume means cancer.

I guess I’d better try not to injure myself.

In a handbasket.

Apparently while I’ve been away, not just out of the country but also neglecting my blog reading, the US has somehow managed to become a dictatorship and legalize torture. As legal as it can be in light of certain international conventions and laws.

Surely I should say more about this, but honestly, I’ve been at work from 07.30 – 20.30 for the last two days. Jet lag has not helped in making that time productive. I’m hoping that if I keep the work up and the breaks down I may at some point catch up to where I should be, and be able to breathe a little.

Back in “The States”

I have returned from Oxford, UK. My blogging continues to suffer due to heavy workload and the fact that I was gone for 6 days. The jet lag isn’t helping either.

I continue to work 10-12 hour days, and hope that at some point I’ll break even and get some time to start working on other stuff.