Monthly Archives: May 2007

Still recovering

I am (yes, in fact) alive and actually doing pretty well. I am still sorting through an enormous backlog of Next Actions and internet articles to read. When I’m done, I will have an even bigger backlog of things to write about on this blog, and then I can start spewing posts forth.

But not yet.

Tools of the Trade

I’ve been thinking back on my trials and tribulations when working on the ischemia paper. One thing that tripped me up all along was a lack of knowledge of the techniques for analyzing cardiac electrophysiology data. Something that said, “if you want to find out why X is happening, first try Y and look for this, then try Z and look for that.”

Rather than whine about the lack of a list of such things, I’ve decided to start my own. I’ve added (or will shortly) a Page (on the right) called “Tools of the Trade”. There, I hope to document useful methodologies that I have used and that I use in the future.

Do you have any suggestions for analyzing electrical activity in the heart?


Assuming I passed, I am finally done with all of my course requirements. What a relief!