(22:25:11) Moonbeam Rogers: I mean, it’s november
(22:25:18) Heather C.: *nods*
(22:25:21) Heather C.: ain’t it grand 🙂
(22:25:30) Moonbeam Rogers: not the word i was looking for, actually
(22:27:09) Heather C.: ummm..irritating?
(22:27:13) Heather C.: unnatural?
(22:27:21) Moonbeam Rogers: a pain in the ass, more like it
(22:27:29) Moonbeam Rogers: I got sweaty walking to lab in a t-shirt and shorts today
(22:29:18) Heather C.: yeah, I hate that
(22:29:32) Moonbeam Rogers: but whatever
(22:29:37) Moonbeam Rogers: soon winter will reign supreme
(22:29:41) Moonbeam Rogers: mwahahaha
(22:29:42) Heather C.: for two weeks.
(22:29:52) Moonbeam Rogers: you know, with highs in the middle to upper 60s :-/