After careful consideration, I’ve decided to quit working on my Ph.D.. I’m frustrated with it, and I don’t think it’ll really lead me to the kind of work that I would find gratifying. Furthermore, whether I could get a job that pays in accordance with the time I have invested and will invest is highly questionable.
I was informed recently that due to an aging population of electrical line workers, there is an increasing shortage in these ‘linemen’ and furthermore, that most applicants are disqualified due to criminal records. They make good money, some over $100,000 per year, which is probably $40-60,000 / yr more than I could probably make using my BSE degree right now. Furthermore, it would be a lot of physical and outdoorsy work, which I think I would enjoy.
Is there an off chance that I could die of a horrible electrical shock? Sure, but then, I won’t have to change the name of my blog much. I could change it to ‘’ or ‘’. Anyway, I’m off to inform the department and my advisor of this decision. Wish me luck!
For those of you who didn’t notice, this was an April Fools post.