Love is just a heartbeat away
Originally uploaded by toettoet
Even the non-heart parts of this ‘ECG’ are wrong, but that’s okay — it’s a nice picture for Hearty Friday.
Have a great weekend!
Love is just a heartbeat away
Originally uploaded by toettoet
Even the non-heart parts of this ‘ECG’ are wrong, but that’s okay — it’s a nice picture for Hearty Friday.
Have a great weekend!
broken heart becoming a new heart
Originally uploaded by japans emo kid
Happy Friday, everyone!
Originally uploaded by Robby Virus
Happy Friday everyone!
We had a family emergency last week, so this post is delayed. I hope you all had a great weekend.
This is from a post by Dr.Wes. A friend of one of the device nurses got the tattoo to go with her ICD. “No jumpstart needed” per the shirts that inspired the design.
I needed the package mentioned in the title, but it fails to install due to some problems with the dependency configuration in the original package.
Following some instructions here and using the patch provided here (from this thread), I was finally able to get it working.
Here’s the resulting package.
Steps to build:
Create some directory where you want to build this. Change to that directory. Then…
sudo apt-get build-dep python-qwt5-qt4
(installs dependencies for building)
sudo apt-get source python-qwt5-qt4
This should download the package source. Download the patch from the comment I linked to above, then change into the directory and patch the files. You may have to change the directory ownership so that your user can write to it (sudo chown -R yourusername .)
patch -p0 < ~/Inbox/pyqwt-final.diff
(of course your patch may be located in a different location)
Per the GPLv2, here's the patched source I used to build the .deb file (note -- I think you can just download this instead of patching it yourself).
Once it's patched, rebuild it with:
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
Go get a cup of coffee or whatever, it's a fairly involved build. When it's done, in the directory above you should find your .deb packages. A simple:
sudo dpkg -i python-qwt5-qt4_5.1.0.dfsg-2_amd64.deb
(replace the filename with whatever yours is, of course)
will install it for you. Hope this is helpful for someone, as I wasted a few hours trying to install this all from source and so on.