Love & Time 53/365
Originally uploaded by Jearvi
Happy Friday everyone!
Love & Time 53/365
Originally uploaded by Jearvi
Happy Friday everyone!
I’ve been using daily planning techniques, in the form of “big rocks”, since October 2007. In fact, I left a comment on Matthew Cornell’s blog about it about a year ago (his post is here).
Matt’s been testing and honing his ideas on daily planning as an addition to a GTD-like system, and I recently had the pleasure of reviewing the results: his new eBook on daily planning, Where the !@#% did my day go?.
Despite having practiced daily planning paired with GTD for almost two years (and GTD for nearly four), I found several new gems in the book. In particular, the practice of inserting everything into the daily plan, including calendar and inbox-checking tasks, is new to me and will help streamline my current process. I opted to skip the ‘getting started’ phase of the book and the one-week challenge, given my experience, but I found that they really covered the nuances of the practice well. Furthermore, every pitfall that I’ve encountered in daily planning was addressed by Matt later in the book.
Matt also detailed a number of experiments to try, to help hone the system for one’s individual needs. These covered every single experiment and metric I’ve run on my daily planning, and added several more that I’m considering trying. Ultimately he suggests trying for a “touchdown” — finishing all of the tasks on the list. This is the rule for me, rather than the exception. It provides a really nice feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day, a feeling I couldn’t get from looking at my list of remaining, actionable tasks in PHPMyGTD (20-80 normally, I prefer to keep it below 40).
I found very little to criticize in the book, and most of it can be traced back to personal preference. For instance, Matt mentioned the use of an accountability partner for holding to one’s daily plans. For me this makes a massive difference in my discipline, enough that I created, a site for finding accountability partners. (It’s unfortunately not really active at the moment.) I also find it really helpful to estimate the time required for each task explicitly and then write it down, reporting back to my accountability partner each day how the actual times matched up to the estimates. On the whole, however, the book is nothing short of an excellent introduction and manual for daily planning practice. If only this book had been in my hands two years ago when I started this practice, I could have saved myself months of tinkering and lost time.
Heart Meter
Originally uploaded by Georgie_grrl
Happy Friday everyone! If you’re here in the US of A you might have had a nice, short week. Have a nice weekend regardless!
Today the latest CSM demo video went live on the CardioSolv site. It showcases the use of our mapping interface, which makes it easy to create useful maps of activity in simulation models.
It’s currently non-trivial to show movies in papers, so instead we do time-lapse type things called activation maps. These show the activation times as a series of lines (‘isochrones’ or ‘isochronal lines’, meaning that all of the points on the line are activated at the same time) or bands of color representing the same thing. We can extend this to also show repolarization times, or non-sequential data such as action potential duration maps and dominant frequency maps.
Here’s a sample activation map of a wave moving across a sheet from right to left:
And here’s one of a spiral (this with 20ms isochrones):
To give you an idea of the correspondence between an activation map and a movie of the simulation, here’s a movie of that spiral:
Spiral Wave
There’s a lot more to this — for instance, deciding when a cell has activated or repolarized, and back-end processing. We use a program I wrote that does the analysis in parallel, making it rather quick to analyze even huge datasets, provided you have the computing power.
If you have any questions about the process I’d be happy to answer them here or on the CardioSolv post.
It’s just a jump to the left
Originally uploaded by Lilia Lirio
Happy Friday everyone! I was happy to see this neat street art pop up under the ‘heart’ tag on Flickr this morning. Have a good weekend!