Category Archives: Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

First prospectus draft finished

I was up until 01:00h Saturday morning working on finishing the first complete draft of my prospectus write-up, which is pretty late for me. The review was on my desk when I returned, and it’s going to take a lot of work to address all of the comments. I have a few other things to do today, but otherwise this is going to be my primary focus Until it is DoneTM, for it must be done. Soon.

Today is August 7, 2006. I move to Baltimore in 15 days.

Reading papers that contain equations

I realized something today that I wish I had known a long, long time ago.

When reading a technical paper containing equations, there will be text, and there will be equations. Usually the equations come somewhere in the middle. However, when you come to the equations, you must understand the equations thoroughly before proceeding to the rest of the text.

I used to think that I could still get something important out of the paper without putting the time into understanding the equations, but in my experience that is simply not true.

Be ye warned.

Daily Work Log 2006-07-26

July 26th… August approaches. Rob leaves the lab in a mere three days. It’s the beginning of the end as we start planning to take servers offline.

There’s a new science blog aggregator from the creator of HubMed, called aggademia. It has only just started up, so I can’t really tell you much about it. The about page is here. The tags are currently pretty limited, but you can get RSS feeds for the tags that they have.

I’ve started a group for Cardiac Electrophysiology, but haven’t done anything with it. If you’re interested, go sign up and join the group!

I actually came up with a bunch of stuff to write about today, but I haven’t had time to devote to posting about them. Maybe I’ll be able to squeeze in a little blogging time at home tonight. But probably not.