Monthly Archives: December 2005

Sometimes it’s good to take your own advice

I’m staying out of the whole Save Tulane Engineering thing for the duration of the issue. It’s clear to me that I was fighting against forces that I could never hope to have any influence on — which is exactly what I allege is happening in the Save Tulane Engineering movement.

These things just need to play themselves out. I’ll continue doing my own work and trying to keep the remaining bits of the E-school up and running.

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Wish List Updated With Katrina Loss Info

I’ve added comments to my Amazon wishlist regarding which items I had before, but lost when my apartment flooded with three or four feet of water. If you’d like to help replace any of that stuff, the wishlist is the place to go. My greatest loss in the flood was of a whole ton of books, many of which are not listed because they are engineering and science textbooks.

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The Page is Too Stupid

I got this error page trying to download a WordPress plugin today. Beautiful.

The page you are looking for is currently too stupid. The Web site might be experiencing idiot writers, or you may need to adjust your browser settings to accept more retarded objects.

One of the better error pages I’ve seen. In case they fix the page, here’s a printout of the page (PDF).

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Wine List Updated

I went through my bookmarked to-read wine reviews, and I’ve updated my wine list to include them. I’ve also started noting what’s a decent price to pay for a bottle ($price) and a Wine Spectator score if given [score] after each name.

I really should start making some notes on that list as to whether I’ve had a particular wine or not, and what I thought of it. New project, I guess.

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