Study finds no heart/cancer benefit to low fat diet

After years of hearing, “lower fat, lower fat” from dieticians, a new authoratative study finds that a diet low in fat doesn’t decrease your chances of heart disease or cancer (if you’re female). I lost my weight by reducing refined sugars and flour… I never really paid attention to fat content.

Chances a low-fat diet will help? Slim and none – Health & Science – International Herald Tribune

The largest study ever to ask whether a low-fat diet reduces the risk of getting cancer or heart disease has found that the diet has no effect.

2 thoughts on “Study finds no heart/cancer benefit to low fat diet

  1. Alex Pontois

    Has any of that been said to be true for males, or even premenopausal females?

  2. brock Post author

    Alex: It hasn’t been proven for those groups. However, considering that it was previously thought to be more important for postmenopausal women, there’s a good chance it holds for the segments you mention. It seems like now it’s begging for a few more studies.

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