Transition Complete

If you visit directly, rather than just getting it through a feed aggregator, you’ll notice that the look of the site has been changed. I switched to a theme that functioned more as I wanted it to, in particular adding a menu bar and going to a three-column set-up.

I also created an image bar, but this will be replaced in a little while by some artwork that I’m having done.

In the wake of my decision to abandon my personal wiki, I’ve moved all of the outward-facing stuff from to various pages here on Virtually Shocking. In particular, now redirects to the about page, and I’ve added a contact page. I’ve also moved my CV to LinkedIn, while my publications remain on the “Publications” page. The Talk References page has been cleaned up a bit, and some of the other pages are no longer available via a menu. As I clean up some more, those pages will either get links somewhere on the site again, or be deleted.

Aside from the lack of a spot for publications (which I may request), LinkedIn is actually a pretty good way to create and distribute one’s CV or résumé. Not only does it offer a public profile with a customizable amount of content, it provides the ability to create a nice PDF of the profile for snail mail or whatever.

Now I’m just hoping that I don’t lose my Google ranking from changing websites. It went okay before when I switched wikis, so I’m not anticipating any problems. I added my little tagline at the bottom of the page to help things along.