Category Archives: Medicine


There’s a relatively new service available on the interwebs at It’s basically Cite-U-Like specifically tailored for on person’s papers — your own.

You can import common bibliographic formats such as RefWorks and Bibtex, and for those in the medical field, directly search for and add papers from PubMed. It then appears (though I haven’t investigated thoroughly) that you can add various details including PDFs of or links to your papers. I already sort of do this on my publications page, but this has a slick interface and is independent of my web server.

Unfortunately, they don’t seem to want you to embed the nice resulting list directly in your web page. I’m sure there are ways around this with some clever PHP, but that would probably violate the terms of use. They do give you a nice button though:

Publications list

Similar to .

Their business model seems to be based on getting whole organizations to subscribe to their service, but individual accounts are free. Might be worth looking into if you’ve been meaning to put your list of publications online, but have been too lazy or whatever to type them all out somewhere.

ADDENDUM 2007-09-29 @ 17:43 EDT: Apparently they allow embedding if you are a paid member.

Watching EP Procedures

Over the last few days, thanks to some kind people in the Cardiology department, I had the opportunity to watch electrophysiology studies (EP studies). There are various guidelines for when this invasive procedure is warranted, but basically it is done when someone has an electrical problem with their heart, and it cannot be either (a) diagnosed or (b) fixed without seeing precisely what’s going on, and possibly taking action while in there.

What we do in our lab is somewhat abstracted from the human heart. We use computer models. Because human hearts are so large, we use mostly rabbit models and smaller geometries suited to whatever problem we’re studying. It’s also hard (impossible? Maybe if MRI gets a lot faster we can do it) to get good geometry from a healthy human heart, for obvious ethical reasons. Finally, the biggest advantage of computer modeling is that we can see what is going on everywhere within the tissue, at all times, down to the level of ion channel gates. We typically look at trans-membrane voltage, and at smallish reentrant circuits. Even our larger reentrant circuits are typically limited to the atria or the ventricles, but do not involve both.

In EP studies, the patient has (from what I’ve seen) 1-4 or maybe 5 catheters fed into the heart through the veins. These leads have anywhere from 2-5 bi-polar electrodes on them, capable of monitoring extracellular electrograms (as opposed to trans-membrane). Additionally, the patients have many electrodes positioned on their skin to monitor the surface ECG (or EKG for our Germanic friends). Cardiologists can glean an enormous amount of information from the surface leads alone. I’m not really any good at that, though I’m a lot better than I was three days ago. For a good overview, see the ECG Learning Center, always linked in my right sidebar on the blog. Whereas we look at reentries in smaller parts of the heart, often patients suffer from macro-reentry, such as occurs when an accessory pathway results in “V-to-A” (ventricle(s) to atri(um/a)) conduction, something that should basically never happen under normal conditions.

Once the leads are all placed using a fluoroscope (and a good imagination — you can’t see the heart on the fluoro, just the leads) the sterile scrubs and gloves come off and everything moves over to the computers. From there, it’s possible to monitor all of the leads, signals scrolling by, and to administer a wide range of pacing protocols. It’s kind of odd. It goes from a surgery to a more abstract experiment-like environment, where the main focus is the set of data on-screen.

I’ll talk more about what happens next in the next few posts.

Quick brown eyes

When I was a kid, we used to play this game where we’d load up our NERF guns, shut off the lights and block the windows, and basically play a meatspace version of Counter-Strike.

I often seemed to have a competitive advantage against my friend. My eyes would adjust to the darkness more quickly than his. I had heard that eyes with brown irises (I have brown eyes, he has blue) adjust to changes in light levels more quickly, but it was one of those things — who knew whether it was actually true?

Well, guess what? It’s true.

Science. It works, bitches.

PLoS ONE turns 1

I noticed today the the PLoS ONE blog is celebrating the first birthday of PLoS ONE. It sounds like things have been going pretty well for them since last August:

On 1st August last year, PLoS ONE opened its doors for submission and so we have decided to call today our official birthday.

Most importantly of all though, in the last year, or, at least, in the months from December 2006, we have published 695 pieces of original research. All of that research is, of course, Open Access and all of that research can be annotated by users, discussed by users and for the last few weeks rated by users.

This potential for interaction is unprecedented in any other scientific publication and it is being used to an extremely high standard.

You should go read the whole thing. They have three birthday wishes:

Whenever you write about a published paper, be it in a journal or on a blog, always provide a link to the freely available version of the paper if one exists.

Whenever you read a paper in PLoS ONE, always rate it before leaving.

And most importantly….

Whenever you write a scientific paper, always, always, always publish it Open Access.

I finally signed up today to get notices about articles in PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS Medicine. (Where’s PLoS Computational Medicine, hmm?)

Bionic hand goes on the market

The reason I got into electrophysiology was because I was excited about the potential for electronic prosthetics. It seems the first real one has come to market. It’s still primitive in comparison to what I envision — a prosthetic that hooks directly up to nerves and sends and receives signals — but I’m sure that will come in time.

Kudos to these guys for making it happen!

One of the questions that has been asked before, and which this underlines, is, “when will artificial hands become superior to natural ones, and would you voluntarily switch in that scenario?” This sort of concept is explored in the various Ghost in the Shell movies, and the TV series “GITS: Stand-Alone Complex”.